DashCam App with AI Integration

Mobile App Development
Year 2021
Technology Flutter, Dart, PyTorch, TensorFlow
Categories Mobile App Development

Project Overview

The DashCam App is a cutting-edge mobile solution that seamlessly integrates with an AI-powered dashcam device. Developed using Flutter and Dart, this app offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance driving safety and monitoring.

Key features include:

  • Real-time video streaming and recording from the dashcam
  • AI-powered driver behavior analysis, including drowsiness and distraction detection
  • Accident detection and automatic emergency response triggering
  • Advanced analytics and reporting for driving patterns and incidents
  • Secure cloud storage for video footage and incident data

Project Outcome

The DashCam App has been successfully deployed and is currently used by a leading provider of AI-enabled dashcam solutions. The app has received positive feedback from users for its intuitive user interface, reliable performance, and advanced AI-powered features.

Through this project, I leaned to integrate complex AI and machine learning models, developed using PyTorch and TensorFlow, into a mobile application. I also learned to design a user-friendly interface that seamlessly combines real-time video streaming, driving behavior analysis, and incident reporting. The successful implementation of this app has improved my skill with a strong understanding of emerging technologies like computer vision and AI.