
my Cases
Mobile App Development
All Tool Pack - Cam Scanner Clone

A powerful camera scanner app for Android, developed using Flutter and Dart. This app replicates the functionality of popular scanning apps like CamScanner.

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Mobile App Development
TripTailor - AI-Powered Travel App

TripTailor is a mobile application developed using Flutter and Dart that leverages artificial intelligence to provide personalized travel recommendations and planning assistance. This app aims to revolutionize the way users plan and book their travel experiences.

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Mobile App Development
AI Video Creator

A mobile application developed using Flutter and Dart that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate and edit videos. This app provides users with a powerful and intuitive platform for creating high-quality video content.

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Mobile App Development
University Alumni App

A comprehensive mobile application developed using Flutter and Dart to connect alumni of a university. The app features detailed alumni profiles, an AI-powered information search system, and a chat functionality for seamless networking and collaboration.

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Mobile App Development
DashCam App with AI Integration

This app provides advanced features for driving behavior analysis, accident detection, and real-time video streaming.

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Mobile App Development
LMS App - Learning Management System

A comprehensive mobile application developed using Flutter and Dart that serves as a Learning Management System (LMS). This app provides a feature-rich platform for users to enroll in various courses, access learning materials, and track their progress.

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Mobile App Development
Relief Distribution Management System

A mobile application developed using Flutter and Dart to streamline the distribution of relief goods to people in need. This system leverages QR code technology to ensure transparency and prevent misappropriation of supplies.

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Machine Learning
Self-Driving Car Steering Angle Prediction

A machine learning-based project that predicts the steering angle of a self-driving car using computer vision and deep learning techniques. Developed using Python, TensorFlow, and deployed on a Linux platform.

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